15 kolovoza 2008

Iznimka javne službe

U vezi sa slobodom kretanja radnika Čl. 39(4) Ugovora o Europskoj zajednici propisuje iznimku javne službe. Prema toj odredbi sloboda kretanja radnika propisana člankom 39 ne odnosi se na zaposlenje u javnoj službi.

Međutim, spomenuta iznimka javne službe koja dopušta državama članicama da određene poslove rezerviraju za vlastite državljane mora se interpretirati restriktivno.

Predmet C-405/01

Colegio de Oficiales de la Marina Mercante Española v Administración del Estado

Article 39(4) EC must be construed as allowing a Member State to reserve for its nationals the posts of master and chief mate of merchant ships flying its flag only if the rights under powers conferred by public law on masters and chief mates of such ships are in fact exercised on a regular basis and do not represent a very minor part of their activities.

The scope of that derogation from the freedom of movement for workers concerning employment in the public service must be limited to what is strictly necessary for safeguarding the general interests of the Member State concerned, which would not be imperilled if rights under powers conferred by public law were exercised only sporadically, even exceptionally, by nationals of other Member States.